Beghan is known for crafting exquisite furnishing sculptures of raw and eye-catching beauty. Together with a hand picked selection of talented artists, and a web of skilled craftsmen, we live our philosophy to transcend traditional boundaries of contemporary art, design and function with the ambitious endeavour to create functional objects with a strong emotional vibrancy and their very own character. The chameleonic nature of the sculptures is what allows them to appear in a variety of settings and in diverse applications. All of the pieces are brought to life in residential and corporate suites as well as boutique hotels, airports, and retail interiors. Our clients are made up of those who embrace the exceptional and acknowledge the unique.

The indubitable passion, visible talent, and extensive manual effort of the individuals involved in the process of the creation of each piece is what matters to us. Those who are carefully selected to forge and sculpt each edge of the designs are artists, and exceptionally talented craftsmen who rely on traditional techniques that have been passed down from generation to generation. From the first time that the charcoal touches the draft paper and outlines the design sketch, to the sweat and hard work that goes into the final polish, each and every stage is perfected by the artist’s own hands.


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Are you fascinated by our sculptures but feel that you have specific aspirations? If this is the case then please do get in touch to set up a consultation to discuss and ascertain how we can help you materialise your own dimensional wishes.

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